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4G Smart Watch
Branding Taiwan
Kids can contact you
without a mobile phone.
You can contact children ,not just mobile phones,there is also an option "Hero Watch".
Where is hero,
app tells you.
Positioning function allows
you to track your hero on the mission.
Video Call,
anywhere anytime see your hero.
Live video call,communicate without barriers.
High precision positionin.
GPS+Beidou+WIFI+Base station+Gravity sensor
+AGPS+Photo assist+EPO*+HotStill*
<For reference only, subject to practice>
Safety zone
Immediate addressing
Let’s pack the schoolbag
with "HeroWatch".
School timetable setting
Pack your bookbag for tomorrow,
check if you have everything.
<For reference only, subject to practice>
Be a parent assured hero.
Without disturbing your kids's life,
make a monitor video call for the kids.
We should try to
acquire good habits.
Good habits from daily practice.
<For reference only, subject to practice>
Unique design,
strap upgrade and evolution.
stay with hero every moment.
Parent-child time growing up with children.
<For reference only, subject to practice>
More thoughtful features,
Let hero grow with the children.

此款產品「Herowatch 1」手錶電池為了方便性設計為開放式,消費者可自行拆卸,長期使用下若有碰撞、摔到等狀況可能產生肉眼無法辨識的裂痕,若遇到下雨或噴到水等狀況,可能會造成進水,長期下來皆有可能對電池造成損傷,進而讓手錶產生短路、產生意外。
本公司為了加強防水性,因此於2020年8月出產新款電池型號HERO-E7(如下圖金黃色外觀),新款電池於電路板加強防水與電路保護版安全措施增強防摔,將不會產生因進水而產生電池短路,杜絕意外發生;並於同年8月發布通知「Herowatch 1 用戶」可免費向本公司索取新版電池,且通知舊版電池自行回收不再繼續使用。從媒體報導照片初步研判,發生意外的手錶使用的電池為舊款型號,同時建議持有同款商品的用戶,可拆卸電池進行確認,若對於電池型號有疑慮,歡迎與本公司聯繫。(客服電話:02-2697-5818 / 官方LINE:@abouttime)